Efficient and less efficient investor-search methods in Silicon Valley
We have been here in the Valley for more than a month and are moving on the San Francisco—San Jose railway line. I feel lucky about the si... Read More...
From Googleplex to regeneration
Our life has been about working on our presentation for two days. The question is always the same: What are we going to say if we have 1 minute or 5 minutes to present the busin... Read More...
Swiss army knives for startuppers visiting to America
You might push something but in 2019 it is not worth starting anything but by hacking. It is acutely valid in the world of startup, where if a major connection (investor, advisor, lawyer, …) has a request,... Read More...
or is ENVIENTA a good business
Certainly many have heard about the greatest taxi company in the world. It has many thousands of employees everywhere around and it also has an automated dispatcher service avail... Read More...
The first day of the backcasting meeting at Corvinus University of Budapest
The feeling, that we should have had this meeting a long time ago, occurred to me right then, at the end of the first day. The team a... Read More...
or let’s cut CryptoKitties
First of all, I want to make sure that there are no kitties hurt! This article is more about art treasures, real estate properties, and business shares. Let’s see how does the kitty get into our wallets…
The ERC-20 token st...
We have been working a lot on the ICO campaign, website and the white paper and other documents such as the elaboration of SAFT and KYC.
Therefore we have spent less time on the physical appearance of our proj... Read More...
ENVIENTA on The BAD Crypto Podcast
I’ve been listening to Joel and Travis for long, as they are the kings of podcasts of crypto and ICO world.
The style of the two guys, they are funny and they are making r... Read More...
Given poor economic prospects, many millennials can’t save anyway — but their hope for the future is social change
CNN reported last week that 66 percent of millennials aged 21 to 32 have nothing saved for retirement. And while their writer chalks up this ine... Read More...
During the ENVIANTA ICO, we’ll release 1 200 000 ENV tokens. When and if we reach the hard cap (5000 ETH), we will release 545,000 token which is the maximum amount—excluding bonuses.
A small portion of the re...
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