ENVIENTA at the World of Work MoonShot 2017 event

Last weekend in Budapest, Hungary, the MoonShot idea event was organized, where innovative thinkers gathered to make reforms on the labor market. Anyone could have applied, the lucky ones were divided into groups of five and they were brainstorming on new alternatives which could revolutionize the labor market.
There were 14 teams, and they spent several hours with developing their ideas and concepts. The professional judges representing the organizing companies challenged the teams with questions regarding the terms of feasibility during their 2-minute presentation.

ENVIENTA was represented by 3 people: Gábor Kiss (founder, president) Sándor Koszecz (organizational development consultant) and Tamás Cserhalmi (economics consultant), who were organized into separate groups so we had three times more chance of being part of the finals.
Rita Veres, head of Aon Hewitt Hungary answered my questions. (The videos are in Hungarian, but we hope that we will be able to give at least a look at our team’s activities)

Gábor’s team would implement the work approach outlined by Envienta through a cryptocurrency system. This will help to an employee to try himself in other areas without leaving his current job or position. In addition, the intelligent system provides access and rights to a voting subsystem also.

The idea of Sándor’s team was a “SkillBank”. In a regular workplace, it is not the job that matters but the skills of a staff that allows a company to merge or organize teams in areas which are ideal for working. Scores are getting assessed by the system, and they can flow according to the principles of Sharing Economy, which relieves rigid corporate structures, so nobody needs to spend years in a certain position, but can continually find new challenges and develop your abilities without leaving the organization.

Tomi’s team has also dreamed of a platform where, on the one hand, human resources are got more attention, allowing individuals to develop their skills more flexible. On the other hand, employees are getting notified of the opportunities offered by companies which were chosen according to their abilities.

After the presentations, the jury made their decision and they selected 7 teams for the final. On Saturday each team had a chance to develop their ideas more deeply, and they had an another 4 minutes presentation before the jury selected the winning team.

World of Work MoonShot 2017 — brief description:

How to prepare for the effects of a technological explosion in the world of work? Will the time of prosperity come when we do not have to work hard or work because of robots and automation will do all the work, or we have to face with enormous unemployment and greater inequality as a result? Do not wait for something going to happen, become a researcher of future. How would you change the world of work? Write in 140 characters and/or in a short video—this is an entry for the World of Work Moonshot 24 Hour Future Forming Contest. The 120 nominee of the most creative project idea could be the part of the 24-hour hackathon at the end of August, where they can work in teams to present their ideas to a jury. The three best ideas will be presented at HR Fest too. http://wowmoonshotbyaon.com/

We congratulate Sandor on this achievement, as each such small movement and presence will take on the news of ENVIENTA. Thanks also to Gabriel (Gábor) Kiss and Tamás Cserhalmi.


Source: Envienta Open Source Everything

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