Product development supported by ENVIENTA — Part 1

Using local resources is a basic element of sustainable economic system. Obviously their ecological costs are much lower as well, as there are no extra costs of transportation. Furthermore, people usually handle local resources with more care.

Using local resources means to use raw materials and energy sources available onsite, but it also means to produce the food locally. In case of food production locality is important, as the quality of the food stuffs might be followed easily. Ensuring to have fresh food on the table regularly.

ENVIENTA supports smart gardens and development of them. Smart gardens are modern types of producing food. They make available to produce our food in our closest environment still using the advantages of automatization of industrial production. Saving working hours is saving, too. At the same time, automatisation of our own garden doesn’t mean to have the disadvantages of industrial production. We don’t have to give up on good quality or fresh products.

Smart gardens can be automatised on different levels, but the central unit of all of them is a system. This system has three main parts: detectors collect datas from the environment (temperature, moisture, ph of the soil etc) and conditions of the plants. According to the collected datas the central unit performs the orders, start-stop-change physical processes.

Each process is done by remote controlled tools, such as dispensers, hoses and other mechanic tools. The system ensures automatically the water and nutrient supply, harvests the ready fruits or vegetables, or even completes sowing or planting.

The heart of a smart garden is of course a well worked out software. It analyses the collected datas properly, sends us report, informs us about certain problems, damages, defaults and receives our orders and fulfills the tasks given. All these are done with an application downloaded to our smartphone.

We support the development of smartgarden and all other open source developments via ENVIENTA Platform. This is a platform where developers, startupers, investors, producers and manufacturers, makerspaces and buyers might easily find each other.

The ENVIENTA Platform works as a booster, booming and fastening the realisation of open source projects.We tend to create a platform for education, where people working with open source technologies might collect and share knowledge and information according to their interests.

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Source: Envienta Open Source Everything

About The Author

Editor of ENVIENTA News Channel & Manager of social media channels

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